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Sunday, November 28, 2010 4:34 PM
I have spent so much time in Starbucks today that I know when I go home, my computer, my clothes, everything is going to smell like coffee.

Finals are beginning this week, into next (and possibly the week after). I cannot express how frustrated I am with one of my classes. This Tuesday is the last day that we have anything assigned--we've read every story in every single one of our textbooks, we have all posted and discussed our own individual stories--but yet he is insisting that our last class is December 12th. That's two weeks after everything is wrapped up, mind you. What are those two weeks for? We don't discuss anything other than the readings in class, but we will be done with those in two days. There is absolutely no reason for us to be there. He is awful at scheduling, especially since he doesn't take into account that he is always behind on grading our assignments. I would complain to the dean, but there have already been complaints submitted and basically the dean says there is nothing he can do. Shocker--someone who works for ASU isn't doing anything...'cause that has never happened before, or anything. It's completely unexpected. Out of the blue. Sarcasm is much harder to get across online than in person, I must admit.

At least it's finally becoming winter (well, Arizona winter). The temperature is dropping, the days are incredibly short, the clouds hang in the sky and the air smells like rain.



Aw-- I'm sorry you have a crappy teacher.
BEST of luck on finals.
I miss you.

By Blogger The Owl Diary
On November 29, 2010 at 12:55 PM  

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